Category Archives: trends

2016 Best Blogging Platforms

Amidst reports that blogging is giving way to newer technologies, there are still many people who are looking to create new blogs, or move to a better experience on the web. Here’s our list of the best blogging platforms on the web today: WordPress WordPress currently powers over a fifth of the internet. Why? […]

The post 2016 Best Blogging Platforms was originally wrote by TelxWeb, the original source is on Web Design Miami – Miami SEO Company.

Alphabet Poised to Replace Google as Parent Company

Google recently launched plans to reorganize under a new name – Alphabet. The company that began as a search engine has expanded into areas as varied as drones, biotech, venture capital money, none of which make as much money as the search engine. Listening to investor demands, Google has decided to create a parent company […]

The post Alphabet Poised to Replace Google as Parent Company was originally wrote by TelxWeb, the original source is on Web Design Miami – Miami SEO Company.