Category Archives: General

Common Network Security Failure Points

How Secure is Your Network? Have you ever noticed that tech guys tend to lead with the same questions? Well there’s a reason for that. Certain points within your network are notorious for failing time and time again. These network security failure points have nothing to…

The post Common Network Security Failure Points appeared first on IT Services Miami | Computer repair | Telx Computers.

What is a Hosted PBX?

Private Branch Exchange (PBX) is a telephone system within an enterprise that switches calls between enterprise users on local lines while allowing all users to share a certain number of external phone lines. The hosted PBX is a cooperative level telephony system that connects business offices in the same way a traditional phone system does […]

The post What is a Hosted PBX? appeared first on Telx Telecom: Hosted PBX Miami | VoIP Service Providers.